Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dudes Night Out

Last night we had some buddies over to have a few drinks, and explore the festival "Blues and Brew" a few blocks over in downtown Palm Harbor. The night began with the pounding of Budweiser as we drank on our back porch, and soon it was time for us to venture up towards the festivities. After a few beers and listening to the "fossil rock band" that entertained about 200 people in the streets we decided to get some food at one of the local eateries. By this time it was very necessary that we ate, because we all were getting too drunk to even talk coherently to two pretty ladies. Once we had the chance to fill out stomachs with food we were ready once again to continue drinking, and onto the next bar Peggy O' Neils where the atmosphere was a little more our age group. Despite having decades of sexual and conversational experience between the five of us, we managed to only spot a few healthy prospects including a chick that looked almost identical to the hot Indian chick from Slumdog Millionaire and a cougar. After we swallowed our pride and about 3 more beers it was off to do what most men do after the bars, and that is to rotate around the group playing their favorite YouTube songs at a level that neighbors on both sides could surely hear from the sub woofer bass. From Garth Brooks to Afroman, Dropkick Murphy's and dubstep we rocked out till about 1:30 a.m. Culminating with a delicious shake that was made by Jeff, and some of the ingredients included Kahlua, peanuts, peanut butter, and some other essentials that only skilled drink makers can orchestrate. The night was interesting to say the least, but yielded some great songs that will forever mark the true meaning of friendship.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Luke's House

                                                A look from the front yard.
                                     Our little "mud room", lots of art created here.
                               One of Luke Wertz's latest creations. Bad Ass!
                               Our living room, and where we watched Super Bowl.
                                  Nice entertainment center, and set up personally.
                             The back deck, and the shed holds washer and dryer.
                                     Our kitchen is nice, but our fridge is awesome. 
For the past month now, I've been living with Luke in our comfortable Palm Harbor, FL house. Luke has about a 15 minute drive north to his job in Tarpon Springs, but I have an 45 minute drive (30 min. if traffic is good, hour if it's bad) to where I'm working in downtown St. Petersburg. This place is a lot better than his little beach shack in Pass-a-grille, but not as close to the beach. Still a nice place for a teacher, and his little brother.

"We Got A First Timer Here..."

Well folks, here we go with the first posting of my new blogging era. Actually, this is the second blog I have started as the first was done in college for a class, but this one will promise to be more entertaining, compelling, and thoughtful in nature. My basic goal is to inform those near and far from myself of the adventures that occur throughout my life, and the experience along the way. Enjoy America. Let the hilarity ensue...